The Adfinis Approach

How to make sure your journey into cloud software development is a full success.

Journey into the Cloud

The journey into cloud software development is full of challenges;  how to ensure smooth development, easy implementation, and reliable operation?

Main Pain Points:

  • Long waiting times or non-existent DevOps pipelines
  • Complex security and compliance requirements
  • Many unanswered questions

Your Companion

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Adfinis offers a comprehensive approach to make the journey into cloud software development a full success. Enterprise-grade open source technologies and the Adfinis skills are the ingredients for sustainable operation and flawless support.

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A Story to Success in Three Acts



Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a complete cloud platform combining cloud services and enterprise-ready open source components that can host existing applications, enable a whole new approach of working and managing the development of new applications. The Azure cloud is scalable and can be adapted to new requirements at any time.



Kubernetes + Rancher

To deploy an application efficiently and isolated, a flexible and scalable environment with containers is required. Kubernetes offers the automation of containerized applications. Rancher helps to manage the containers.


HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp’s Vault is the central pillar of a solution that strongly mitigates the risk of breached secrets and stolen data, while offering best in class flexibility, developer friendliness and machine to machine automation through APIs.

Cloud Readiness-Check

Are you on your way into the cloud journey, but are not quite sure where to start?

Adfinis offers you a quick Cloud Readiness-Check. We will analyze your status quo, locate your current stage within the cloud journey and develop an individual strategy for further actions. The Cloud Readiness-Check can be held in German or English.

What you will need to bring:

  • 1 hour of time
  • Basic Knowledge about your cloudy strategy

What you will get & learn:

  • Current state of your company in the cloud journey
  • Challenges that may occur and possible solutions
  • Action items for your individual cloud journey
  • Best practice from our customers
  • How Adfinis can accompany you
  • Summary of the whole workshop
  • Time to ask all your questions

The Readiness-Check is free, non-binding, and will be conducted with our Solutions Engineers.

Get in touch

Contact us for your personal Readiness-Check and get to download the SUSE Special Edition Kubernetes Management for Dummies book.

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